
Token Deposit Box

noPendingWithdrawal(address user) modifier

isInitialized() modifier

fees() modifier

nonReentrant() modifier

Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. Calling a nonReentrant function from another nonReentrant function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening by making the nonReentrant function external, and make it call a private function that does the actual work.

nonReentrantView() modifier

Designed to prevent a view-only method from being re-entered during a call to a nonReentrant() state-changing method.

onlyIfTest() modifier

Reverts if not running in test mode.

constructor(address _collateralAddress, address _finderAddress, bytes32 _priceIdentifier, address _timerAddress) public

Construct the DepositBox.


  • _collateralAddress: ERC20 token to be deposited.

  • _finderAddress: UMA protocol Finder used to discover other protocol contracts.

  • _priceIdentifier: registered in the DVM, used to price the ERC20 deposited. The price identifier consists of a "base" asset and a "quote" asset. The "base" asset corresponds to the collateral ERC20 currency deposited into this account, and it is denominated in the "quote" asset on withdrawals. An example price identifier would be "ETH-USD" which will resolve and return the USD price of ETH.

  • _timerAddress: Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time.

initialize() public

This should be called after construction of the DepositBox and handles registration with the Registry, which is required to make price requests in production environments.

This contract must hold the ContractCreator role with the Registry in order to register itself as a financial-template with the DVM. Note that _registerContract cannot be called from the constructor because this contract first needs to be given the ContractCreator role in order to register with the Registry. But, its address is not known until after deployment.

deposit(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralAmount) public

Transfers collateralAmount of collateralCurrency into caller’s deposit box.

This contract must be approved to spend at least collateralAmount of collateralCurrency.


  • collateralAmount: total amount of collateral tokens to be sent to the sponsor’s position.

requestWithdrawal(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned denominatedCollateralAmount) public

Starts a withdrawal request that allows the sponsor to withdraw denominatedCollateralAmount from their position denominated in the quote asset of the price identifier, following a DVM price resolution.

The request will be pending for the duration of the DVM vote and can be cancelled at any time. Only one withdrawal request can exist for the user.


  • denominatedCollateralAmount: the quote-asset denominated amount of collateral requested to withdraw.

executeWithdrawal() → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned amountWithdrawn external

After a passed withdrawal request (i.e., by a call to requestWithdrawal and subsequent DVM price resolution), withdraws depositBoxData.withdrawalRequestAmount of collateral currency denominated in the quote asset.

Might not withdraw the full requested amount in order to account for precision loss or if the full requested amount exceeds the collateral in the position (due to paying fees).

cancelWithdrawal() external

Cancels a pending withdrawal request.

emergencyShutdown() external

emergencyShutdown and remargin are required to be implemented by all financial contracts and exposed to the DVM, but because this is a minimal demo they will simply exit silently.

remargin() external

Same comment as emergencyShutdown. For the sake of simplicity, this will simply exit silently.

getCollateral(address user) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned external

Accessor method for a user’s collateral.

This is necessary because the struct returned by the depositBoxes() method shows rawCollateral, which isn’t a user-readable value.


  • user: address whose collateral amount is retrieved.

totalDepositBoxCollateral() → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned external

Accessor method for the total collateral stored within the entire contract.

_requestOraclePrice(uint256 requestedTime) internal

_incrementCollateralBalances(struct DepositBox.DepositBoxData depositBoxData, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralAmount) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned internal

_decrementCollateralBalances(struct DepositBox.DepositBoxData depositBoxData, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralAmount) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned internal

_resetWithdrawalRequest(struct DepositBox.DepositBoxData depositBoxData) internal

_depositBoxHasNoPendingWithdrawal(address user) internal

_isInitialized() internal

_getIdentifierWhitelist() → contract IdentifierWhitelistInterface internal

_getOracle() → contract OracleInterface internal

_getOraclePrice(uint256 requestedTime) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned internal

_pfc() → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned internal

_requireWhitelistedCollateral(address collateralAddress) internal

_registerContract(address[] parties, address contractToRegister) internal

payRegularFees() → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned public

Pays UMA DVM regular fees (as a % of the collateral pool) to the Store contract.

These must be paid periodically for the life of the contract. If the contract has not paid its regular fee in a week or more then a late penalty is applied which is sent to the caller. If the amount of fees owed are greater than the pfc, then this will pay as much as possible from the available collateral. An event is only fired if the fees charged are greater than 0.

getOutstandingRegularFees(uint256 time) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned regularFee, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned latePenalty, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned totalPaid public

Fetch any regular fees that the contract has pending but has not yet paid. If the fees to be paid are more than the total collateral within the contract then the totalPaid returned is full contract collateral amount.

This returns 0 and exit early if there is no pfc, fees were already paid during the current block, or the fee rate is 0.

pfc() → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned external

Gets the current profit from corruption for this contract in terms of the collateral currency.

This is equivalent to the collateral pool available from which to pay fees. Therefore, derived contracts are expected to implement this so that pay-fee methods can correctly compute the owed fees as a % of PfC.

gulp() external

Removes excess collateral balance not counted in the PfC by distributing it out pro-rata to all sponsors.

Multiplying the cumulativeFeeMultiplier by the ratio of non-PfC-collateral

PfC-collateral effectively pays all sponsors a pro-rata portion of the excess collateral. This will revert if PfC is 0 and this contract’s collateral balance > 0.

_payFinalFees(address payer, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned amount) internal

_gulp() internal

_getStore() → contract StoreInterface internal

_computeFinalFees() → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned finalFees internal

_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateral internal

_getPendingRegularFeeAdjustedCollateral(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned internal

_convertToRawCollateral(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateral) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral internal

_removeCollateral(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralToRemove) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned removedCollateral internal

_addCollateral(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralToAdd) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned addedCollateral internal

_adjustCumulativeFeeMultiplier(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned amount, struct FixedPoint.Unsigned currentPfc) internal

_preEntranceCheck() internal

_preEntranceSet() internal

_postEntranceReset() internal

setCurrentTime(uint256 time) external

Sets the current time.

Will revert if not running in test mode.


  • time: timestamp to set current Testable time to.

getCurrentTime() → uint256 public

Gets the current time. Will return the last time set in setCurrentTime if running in test mode. Otherwise, it will return the block timestamp.

NewDepositBox(address user) event

EndedDepositBox(address user) event

Deposit(address user, uint256 collateralAmount) event

RequestWithdrawal(address user, uint256 collateralAmount, uint256 requestPassTimestamp) event

RequestWithdrawalExecuted(address user, uint256 collateralAmount, uint256 exchangeRate, uint256 requestPassTimestamp) event

RequestWithdrawalCanceled(address user, uint256 collateralAmount, uint256 requestPassTimestamp) event

RegularFeesPaid(uint256 regularFee, uint256 lateFee) event

FinalFeesPaid(uint256 amount) event

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