
onlyIfTest() modifier

Reverts if not running in test mode.

onlyRoleHolder(uint256 roleId) modifier

Reverts unless the caller is a member of the specified roleId.

onlyRoleManager(uint256 roleId) modifier

Reverts unless the caller is a member of the manager role for the specified roleId.

onlyExclusive(uint256 roleId) modifier

Reverts unless the roleId represents an initialized, exclusive roleId.

onlyShared(uint256 roleId) modifier

Reverts unless the roleId represents an initialized, shared roleId.

onlyValidRole(uint256 roleId) modifier

Reverts if roleId is not initialized.

onlyInvalidRole(uint256 roleId) modifier

Reverts if roleId is initialized.

constructor(address _timerAddress) public

addPrefix(bytes32 input, bytes32 prefix, uint256 prefixLength) → bytes32 external

uintToUtf8(uint256 v) → bytes32 ret external

constructIdentifier(uint256 id) → bytes32 identifier external

propose(struct Governor.Transaction[] transactions) public

Proposes a new governance action. Can only be called by the holder of the Proposer role.

You can create the data portion of each transaction by doing the following:

const truffleContractInstance = await TruffleContract.deployed()
const data = truffleContractInstance.methods.methodToCall(arg1, arg2).encodeABI()

Note: this method must be public because of a solidity limitation that disallows structs arrays to be passed to external functions.


  • transactions: list of transactions that are being proposed.

executeProposal(uint256 id, uint256 transactionIndex) external

Executes a proposed governance action that has been approved by voters.

This can be called by any address. Caller is expected to send enough ETH to execute payable transactions.


  • id: unique id for the executed proposal.

  • transactionIndex: unique transaction index for the executed proposal.

numProposals() → uint256 external

Gets the total number of proposals (includes executed and non-executed).

getProposal(uint256 id) → struct Governor.Proposal external

Gets the proposal data for a particular id.

after a proposal is executed, its data will be zeroed out, except for the request time.


  • id: uniquely identify the identity of the proposal.

_constructIdentifier(uint256 id) → bytes32 internal

_uintToUtf8(uint256 v) → bytes32 internal

_addPrefix(bytes32 input, bytes32 prefix, uint256 prefixLength) → bytes32 internal

setCurrentTime(uint256 time) external

Sets the current time.

Will revert if not running in test mode.


  • time: timestamp to set current Testable time to.

getCurrentTime() → uint256 public

Gets the current time. Will return the last time set in setCurrentTime if running in test mode. Otherwise, it will return the block timestamp.

holdsRole(uint256 roleId, address memberToCheck) → bool public

Whether memberToCheck is a member of roleId.

Reverts if roleId does not correspond to an initialized role.


  • roleId: the Role to check.

  • memberToCheck: the address to check.

resetMember(uint256 roleId, address newMember) public

Changes the exclusive role holder of roleId to newMember.

Reverts if the caller is not a member of the managing role for roleId or if roleId is not an initialized, ExclusiveRole.


  • roleId: the ExclusiveRole membership to modify.

  • newMember: the new ExclusiveRole member.

getMember(uint256 roleId) → address public

Gets the current holder of the exclusive role, roleId.

Reverts if roleId does not represent an initialized, exclusive role.


  • roleId: the ExclusiveRole membership to check.

addMember(uint256 roleId, address newMember) public

Adds newMember to the shared role, roleId.

Reverts if roleId does not represent an initialized, SharedRole or if the caller is not a member of the managing role for roleId.


  • roleId: the SharedRole membership to modify.

  • newMember: the new SharedRole member.

removeMember(uint256 roleId, address memberToRemove) public

Removes memberToRemove from the shared role, roleId.

Reverts if roleId does not represent an initialized, SharedRole or if the caller is not a member of the managing role for roleId.


  • roleId: the SharedRole membership to modify.

  • memberToRemove: the current SharedRole member to remove.

renounceMembership(uint256 roleId) public

Removes caller from the role, roleId.

Reverts if the caller is not a member of the role for roleId or if roleId is not an initialized, SharedRole.


  • roleId: the SharedRole membership to modify.

_createSharedRole(uint256 roleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address[] initialMembers) internal

Internal method to initialize a shared role, roleId, which will be managed by managingRoleId. initialMembers will be immediately added to the role.

Should be called by derived contracts, usually at construction time. Will revert if the role is already initialized.

_createExclusiveRole(uint256 roleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address initialMember) internal

Internal method to initialize an exclusive role, roleId, which will be managed by managingRoleId. initialMember will be immediately added to the role.

Should be called by derived contracts, usually at construction time. Will revert if the role is already initialized.

NewProposal(uint256 id, struct Governor.Transaction[] transactions) event

ProposalExecuted(uint256 id, uint256 transactionIndex) event

ResetExclusiveMember(uint256 roleId, address newMember, address manager) event

AddedSharedMember(uint256 roleId, address newMember, address manager) event

RemovedSharedMember(uint256 roleId, address oldMember, address manager) event

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